Part Two: Specialness

That One Time My Friend Said They Aren't Special.

I slapped her real hard
just kidding lol I didn't
I wanted to
But I just couldn’t... and wouldn’t

            In my opinion, nothing is special from the get go, people will judge that thing numerously based on its quality, its quantity, and many other criteria’s that they have for it. Then it can be called special or common or rare etc. But problems start to arise when people want to become special, like every single one of them. And in order for them to know their self-worth more easily, they ask their friends, or judge it based on how they feel at that moment. It’s kind of bothering when everyone wants everyone to treat them special, that thought isn’t wrong but the fact that you need someone else to say you’re special in order to make yourself good is weird.

            People need to appreciate the fact that they are already unique. They don’t need someone else to say their special or unique as a necessity, most of the time they don’t need it. Forcing someone to make you feel special is a bit weird, makes their life hard. Everyone is always special by nature, your weaknesses and your advantages no matter how small or how big they are, make you special.


            You, yes you are going to become more special. You deserve everything that you got, you don’t have to climb Mount Everest for the sake of some tenderness from your beloved one. You don’t need to prove yourself to the world by becoming the greatest thief just to feel more special. You already are, you have infinite possibilities no matter how you look at it. 

            Don’t say “I’m not special”, or “He/She/an item made me feel special, and without it I’m not even worth a penny”. Such sentences enrages me, well even though everyone is going through their hardships and need some extra support from their fellow land dwellers. People should know that the existence of an item doesn’t make them more or less special. Without a certain item it doesn’t mean that you are not special anymore.

            But what if people start to leave me after that? Doesn’t that mean my worth is getting lower? Well yes, but actually no. In my opinion when people start to leave you because you lost something, then that would mean that they are only there if you have that certain thing. It’s like when I as a kid got a new toy car, the whole class swarmed upon my great toy. But after it broke people started to lose interest and didn’t swarm me anymore. They were present only for the car, not for me. Was I happy? No, I was devastated as a kid. But hey, that helped me to pluck the weeds faster than ever. Because in the end quality is better than sheer quantity when it comes to friends.

          Remember that time in Kung Fu Panda where Tai-lung wanted the golden scroll thingy and got mad after he saw its contents? He was furious because the scroll for ultimate power or something was just a plain, blank, reflective sheet of paper. The key needed for that thing you want is already in you the whole time. Keep your chin up, try hard and effectively, and put your heart into it. Pretty much anything is achievable if you do just that.

Good Luck!


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