Part Two: Problems.
The Double Edged Sword: Overthinking
Overthinking is a blessing and a curse altogether, one moment you thought that everything is fine but the moment you think about it too much then things goes downhill Fast. For an example when people walk we just do it, BUT when we think too much about how our posture be like, what should our hands do, how far apart should our legs be, some of us (me included) become confused, and start to walk weirdly after being conscious about our actions. Overthinking is something that is very disturbing by nature, it makes us think deeply on many things which are not always essential for our daily life. It may be very confusing, but when it is processed well it becomes a good idea or even solution to a certain problem.
I do think that I can become a over-thinker and once I start overthinking, there is no going back to not think about that certain topic until I distract myself or finish that idea. My experience in overthinking has made me better at managing myself before starting to get around that certain idea. For an example when World War 3 was “rumored” to start I freaked out, and started to slowly become a nihilist bit by bit thinking that there is no longer any point in living. But in the end, something came to my mind I thought that “well at least I got a deadline for my dreams now” and I committed myself to live with little to no regrets at all.
My worst case scenario was when I wasn’t sure how to write an article and looked it up for an hour, I ended up procrastinating for 2 hours. I needed some serious amount of focus when operating with something that can distract me, one miss click that’s not on topic could easily lead me to an internet rabbit hole. In the end I solved something so simple that could be done by simply ignoring my anxiety and start writing a simple paragraph. But yeah, overthinking is just like a curse or can become an interesting blessing, or it can make you sound like you’re high. High? Yes that high for an example, if time is money, isn’t an ATM A Time Machine!? That single sentence made my friends think that I was already drunk after a little sip.
One thing I like to do with my overthinking is to throw it on my friends, and share the pain amongst the boys. Sometimes some good solutions come up, sometimes they regret hearing my thoughts, and sometimes we pretend that nothing happened. But, sometimes overthinking have been my way of solving my solutions. As someone who enjoys RPG and Strategy games, I have a tendency to come up with many ways in order to reach a certain goal. Knowing what my enemies tactics were, how do I use the geographical landscape to my troops advantage, should i use this or that formation, and many others.
While it did take me some time to get ready and fully prepare my plan, it did work out accordingly. The me who would always panic became calm because there were other plans which I could rely on. Applying these strategies on my real life also gave me a few benefits, I was more prepared and was ready to face many situation with my extra luggage and preparations. However this advantage didn't come without any cons, it took me longer to prepare, and a heavy backpack. but in the end it was worth it, my trips became at least a bit more worry-free.
So... What's you experience on overthinking?
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